Nail Polish and Ablution: a colourful conversation

The validity of ablution (wudhu) for women wearing nail polish has been a persistent question…

2 Comments16 Minutes

Music: Some facts of the matter

Over a decade, I've been asked about music so frequently that I've finally written this. I hadn't…

2 Comments13 Minutes

Some clarity on the Abaya

An abaya is a common term many British Muslims use to denote a particular form of covering.…

0 Comments2 Minutes

Washing hair after sex

I have been repeatedly asked by numbers of believing women as to the laws of bathing (ghusl) to…

17 Comments13 Minutes

Moving beyond village religion

I'm entirely devoted to the grand and civilisational way of thinking, talking about, and…

3 Comments11 Minutes

Believers and the ‘black experience’

Before moving on to discussing the 'black experience' in private communal contexts (mosques,…

0 Comments14 Minutes

Qur’anic thoughts on colour and ethnicity

Race, ethnicity and nationality are all matters that are highly conflated in popular discourse.…

0 Comments13 Minutes

Shar’ī-inspired anti-racism activism

Given current events in the US and how it’s galvanising people here in the UK, I’ll be sharing…

0 Comments7 Minutes

Understanding the six fasts of Shawwal

This is a short post which seeks to help people understand the six fasts of Shawwal. They are not…

0 Comments7 Minutes

Some clarifications on zakat

Zakat is the third pillar of subservience to God and, as such, one would assume that anyone…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Can we perform Eid Salat (prayers) at home?

Yes, and furthermore, I believe we should! Here I’d like to distinguish between two things:…

1 Comment7 Minutes

Has God forbidden a faded haircut?

I have been asked this question profusely over the past couple of years, and so I have written…

0 Comments8 Minutes