Dear University Students

I write this in the hope that you’ll understand some important points about deen at university.…

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Laymen and the scholarly tradition

A major problem the Muslim laity have been subjected to is the way in which the 'scholarly…

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The neurodivergent salaf?

The idea that people of standing, intellect, honour and godly commitment may also be…

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The commoners and the leaders – a medieval tale

For a while I’ve grappled with widespread Islamic narratives feeling like I’m in an alternate…

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London for study

"London remains best city in the world to study in new rankings" Besides one under-graduate…

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Different Generations

There’s an observation I’d like to impart and somewhat tongue in cheek(!), that an anecdotal…

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Maturity and dialogue through debate

In the past, I’ve spent many years debating various issues with a range of people. The petulance…

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Men, wives and mothers

One of the identifiable causes of marital problems that are brought before me is the lack of…

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Muhammad didn’t have ‘slaves’

In this post I’m not interested in what people do or have done, but with normative shar’ī…

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What I’ve learnt from Twitter engagements

There's a lot said about Muslim Twitter (MT) being toxic, but I think it extends to most corners…

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Should we build or rectify?

Islam attracts all sorts of people, from those looking for a sense of community, fleeing a…

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So you want to be a scholar? Things to consider

Traditionally, Arabic books published on this topic tend to be titled talab al-‘ilm (Seeking…

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