Advocating faith, reason, revelation and progress

My mission is to educate the public on Abrahamic godliness, known in ancient Arabic as Hanīfīyyah. Through sensemaking, I simplify sophisticated Qur’anic narratives and broad prophetic guidance along with foundational principles to show how they persuasively address contemporary social, political and psychological human needs.


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Essays & Insights

Are long moustaches haram? The long and short of it

I frequently highlight the prevalence of shar'i ignorance, and that it's usually those who believe they're the…

2 Comments10 Minutes

Must we break our fasts with dates – is it ‘better’?

This post is an exploration of the view that we ought to break our fasts with dates. The assumption comes from two…

0 Comments6 Minutes

Can we wish a “Happy New Year”?

5 min read I've written this post in anticipation of the most absurd arguments that are used every year, with a…

1 Comment8 Minutes

Hijab, male scholars and society

When a male scholar speaks of the hijab, there can often be the retort that men shouldn’t be telling women how to…

1 Comment7 Minutes

"Whoever responds to the people merely based on what has been related in books that differ from their customs, habits, their era, their social/political circumstances and the contextual variables at play, misguides others and is himself misguided. He injures the faith greater than a doctor who treats patients failing to consider their different customs, habits, era, circumstances and contextual variables, merely seeking to reflect what is in the general books of medicine. Such a doctor is an imbecile and such a jurist too is an imbecile; both are the most harmful they could possibly be to the people’s faith or their bodies – may God help us!"

– Abū Bakr b. al-Qayyim, Damascene theologian and legal philosopher, d. 1350

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