The Ramadan Quran Program 2022

To sign up: click here!

Develop your Quranic literacy with a holistic overview of the entire Quran during Ramadan with Sh Mohammed Nizami, providing summaries and thought provoking insights to enable you to meaningfully engage with God and connect the invaluable points He makes.

This is a unique opportunity to make this Ramadan the most productive one you have ever achieved. Alongside the daily readings and substantial recorded seminars to get through, we have live sessions every other day, as well as daily lessons and discussions on our dedicated forum.

A lot of us want to get through the entire Qur'an, but whether it's distractions or boredom, it rarely happens meaningfully, if at all! So this is that opportunity you might have been looking for - not only to go through the Quran, but to do so in a way that'll leave you really informed and with something of substance to take beyond Ramadan (as we're supposed to).

We will have a dedicated message group (Telegram app) where all participants can engage.

Welcome to your online masjid, Ramadan 2022!

How to use the Program
  1. Read the allotted portion (a few times if you can!) and read the breakdown
  2. Watch the video for that portion. The videos are numbered. For example, 2. The Cow.
  3. Join the live seminar.
  4. Stay tuned to the dedicated Telegram forum for updates and Quranic musings (short videos and audio)

Please note:

  • You can read and watch the videos as many times as you want!
  • If you're busy and you want to binge read and watch a few days material in one go, and then attend the live session a couple of days later, that's not a problem. Be sure to make notes of your questions so that you remember them later on.
  • Quran Ramadan Sessions on Zoom
  • Sessions are 2 hours, approx 30 mins after Maghrib (GMT)
  • All live sessions are recorded
  • Access to the course continued for 2 months after Ramadan

To sign up: click here!

Enrol on Module 1: The Great Overview | Context and Purpose

We're very excited to present the very first module of the key curriculum that every believer must know. We bring together everything we know today, providing a holistic framework and grounding narrative to understand what God wants of us today. This module is a revelation-based overview of the human story in order to contextualise existence, purpose, and the Law from God. We explore what God told us and why, and how it fits in with everything else we know.

  • The module begins on Sunday 20th December 2020 (until the first week of April)
  • Lectures are pre-recorded and posted weekly before the seminar (first lecture Friday 18th December)
  • Live interactive seminars are delivered online every Sunday (beginning around 6 or 7pm, considering prayer times)
  • Other resources provided
  • One login per booking (household sharing permitted)

To enrol, visit the course page here.

We cover:

Section 1: A Time Before Time
1. Time before time: what was there?
Seminar: The time before time
2. Who's there? The Great Entity
Seminar: Who and what is 'God'?
3. The creation of the realms
Seminar: Creating the realms

Section 2: Earth and Life
4. Life on Earth
Seminar: Life, hominids and evolution
5. Who is Adam?
Seminar: What makes Adam special?
6. The sanctuary and the expulsion
Seminar: Jannah, the devil and earthly living

Section 3: Humanity and Civilisation
7. The children of Adam
Seminar: Cain and Able, Seth and Enoch
8. Noah
Seminar: Noah and the Great Flood
9. Ancient Mesopotamia and Avram
Seminar: Who is Avram?
10. Abraham and the new lands
Seminar: Emigration, citizenship and settling down
11. The religion of Abraham
Seminar: Millat Ibrahim and Hanifiyyah

Section 4: To the Present Day
12. The covenant with God through Isaac
Seminar: The descendants of Isaac and the Jews
Seminar: Christ and the Christians
13. Ishmael and the Arabs
Seminar: Muhammad and the religion of Abraham
14. The religion of Abraham today
Seminar: What happened to the religion of Abraham?

To enrol, visit the course page here.

What to do with the kids? Free YouTube Webinar

Monday 23rd March, 2020 @ 8pm (GMT)

(When the kids are off to bed!)

With the coronavirus shutting down schools, most children are at home with parents picking up the slack, and not sure what to do and what to make of the situation.

We've organised a free webinar on YouTube for those who find themselves in these circumstances, with Shaikh Mohammed Nizami, an independent London-based scholar, who also has a PGCE (Institute of Education, UCL) and has homeschooled (under the tutelage of his wife!) for a number of years.

Are you thinking about your kid's schooling? Do you feel overwhelmed with the idea of taking responsibility for their education? Do you want them to be productive during this difficult period of isolation, but not sure how? How can you infuse godliness and faith into the philosophy of their education?

The webinar covers some introductory themes and points of consideration for those isolating with their kids. It's not for homeschoolers, it's for those who find themselves in this situation temporarily.

Subscribe to the official YouTube page (Nizami Sessions) to join the webinar and keep in the know for upcoming videos - click here

Re-introducing God to Muslims: Surah Hashr

This seminar kicks off our foray into particular chapters and passages from the Quran for deep contemplation. Through an interconnected approach that brings together contemplation (tadubbur), lateral thinking (tafakkur), exegesis (tafsir) and functionalisation, we closely study the final verses of Surah Hashr (59:18-24) to explore who God is and what He tells us.

We don't simply concentrate on His names and attributes, but contextualise His self-description so as to understand how He wants us to construct our view.

Date: Saturday 4th April 2020.

Time: 11am-3pm.

Venue: Hackney CVS, 24-30 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8 3AZ

Refreshments provided.

To confirm your place, book below:

QSS7: Politics, Ummah, and Allegiances

What is politics?

  • the purpose of politics
  • governance
  • legislation
  • the role of law

What does ‘ummah’ mean? Who does it refer to?

  • who’s included/excluded?
  • where does politics come into it?
  • are we all ‘one’? If so, in what sense?
  • what does it demand from us?

Allegiance and solidarity

  • similarities and differences between the two
  • the rights of other groups
  • what do allegiance and solidarity each demand?

Date: Saturday 7th March 2020.

Time: 11am-3pm.

Venue: Hackney CVS, 24-30 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8 3AZ

Refreshments provided.

To confirm your place, book below:

QSS 6: Parenting, Nurturing, and Cultivation

Some of the things we'd like to cover:

What is a parent, and what is parenting?

  • Case studies of parents: Luqman, Abraham, Jacob
  • Case studies of offspring and young people: Joseph, Jesus, Ishmail, the Companions of the cave

What does it mean to nurture? Who does it apply to?

  • What is tazkiyah in this context?
  • Educating and instilling manners and morality
  • Protecting children (and from what).
  • The importance of linguistic competency

What is cultivation (tarbiyyah)? And what is its relationship to godliness (rabbaniyyah)?

  • What are we preparing young people for, and how does that shape what we do now?

Date: Saturday 1st February 2020.

Time: 11am-3pm.

Venue: Hackney CVS, 24-30 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8 3AZ

Refreshments provided.

To confirm your place, book below:

Marriage Unplugged: A practical workshop for Muslim women

A unique workshop for unmarried AND married believing women!

For Muslims, marriage is a BIG affair, whether you’re thinking about marriage or already married, there’s A LOT to think about. How do you find the right spouse? What do you look for, what should you be wary of, and how can you intelligently prepare? How can you ensure that you’ll have the relationship you want? For those already married, how do you sustain a healthy relationship if you’re in one, and if it's problematic, what can you do to improve your situation? What shar’ī strategies are there to develop your marriage and grow?

What does God and His messenger have to say about all of these things, and what is a godly approach to the challenges of marriage, especially living in the modern western world?

Sitting quiet or simply hoping for the best certainly isn’t one!

Although the Qur'an and prophetic advice is meant to provide the type of psychological stability and emotional security that makes us all positive human beings, a widespread contention is how 'religion' is often used to validate regressive expectations or actively place women in lousy situations.

So to address these things (and more), we’ve organised an entire day workshop for Muslim women that:

  • provides an exclusive space for believing women to explore marriage, its processes, and enriching religious ideas. We discuss normative shar’ī ideas on marriage, as well as practical strategies and solutions. This is an exciting and thought-provoking event designed to inform you about faith and the sharī’ah, to empower you to make intelligent, informed and holistic decisions, and offer you tools to radically form a godly and constructive perspective.
  • brings together the Qur’an, the sharī’ah, lived experiences, and important contemporary considerations such as cultural/social expectations, compatibility, work etc. to discover a holistic way to evaluate choices and make good decisions.
  • discusses what a realistic ‘happy marriage’ might be and looks at a range of considerations you might make before getting married and whilst being married.
  • explores how women can prepare to ensure their rights and their own interests, and how they might develop a marital environment that promotes their own psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing.

At this workshop, Shaikh Mohammed Nizami characteristically asks the tough questions, addresses the controversial topics, and provides robust answers. Come and learn as he challenges widespread misconceptions, unpicks facts from fiction, and cultural expectations from the sharī’ah.

The pursuit of happiness is a right for all that is established in the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the scholarly tradition. It facilitates godliness, productivity and human wellbeing which in turn produces confident, positive and effective believers who are fair to themselves, invaluable to others.

This amazing and unique workshop covers a range of topics which makes it widely applicable and speaks to a range of circumstances.

Date: Saturday 26th October 2019

Time: 10am-5.30pm

Venue: QM Innovation Centre (Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre), 5 Walden Street, London E1 2EF

Limited spaces available, so book below to avoid disappointment:
Please note:
  1. Spaces are limited so booking will end as soon as places are all taken and we won't be ticketing at the door. (All proceeds go to event costs and funding our work.)
  2. Paper handouts of the slides will be provided, but we'd advise you to bring note-taking equipment and a good translation of the Qur'an (Professor M. Abdul Haleem's is recommended).
  3. We won't be providing refreshments or meals, but we've chosen a location with loads of restaurants and coffee shops close by.
  4. We don't provide a creche service and kindly request that you do not bring children.
  5. We intend to start promptly, so please make sure to be on time.

QSS 1: Faith, religion, and meaning

For the first #QuranSessions seminar, join us to learn what it means to believe, what religion is, and the idea that everything God has told us has meaning and purpose.

Read more

Event: Discussing belief in God - A leap of faith?

Join us for #QuranSessions seminar and discussion on what it means to believe and whether God demands a 'leap of faith':

  • What is faith and what does it mean to believe?
  • What is it that we've signed up to - is it simply theism?
  • How does God demarcate between monotheism and superstitious beliefs?
  • Is there a major significance in the way we believe, and is there diversity in belief that's acceptable to God?

Join Sh Mohammed Nizami for another thought-provoking #QuranSessions about belief and faith to explore fundamental questions that shape how God defines a believer.

Open to all. Break-fast meal provided.

When? Saturday 25th May 2019, 5:15pm - 9:15pm

Where? Hackney, E8 1FA

Supported by Coffee Afrique

Seminar on Ramadan

What is Ramadan about in the Qur’an? Is it holy? What is the month's purpose? What does God exactly want from us and how does He expect us to spend the month? What are we meant to get out of it?

What is the purpose of fasting? Is it simply not eating and drinking during daylight hours?

What do our practices of multiple Qur’an khatms (completions in Arabic), tarawih, imported dates and iftar feasts achieve? Is there more to our practices than we’ve realised and are we doing everything we realistically can, or should?

Read more